sea wear

SEAWEAR fine jewelry!


Welcome to the online shopping world of discount dive, marine and nautical jewelry from the seven seas and Irish Celtic Claddagh Jewellery from across the big pond!

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P.S. - If you don't see it, ASK! It could be on the desk waiting for photographing or uploading. Many are sold before they get up here!



Airboats - airboats and swampboats
Anchor marine - anchor charms, sailor's cross anchor, 3-D flukes, mariners crosses & crucifix
Assorted nautical jewelry - tree frog , life preservers, life ring, north stars
Atocha - replica coins in sterling silver encased with 14kt gold frames & shackle bales
Beach fun - pail & shovel charms, pendants and earrings, palm trees, sandals flip flops, treasure chest
Boating - power boats,yachts,trawler,tug boat,scarabs,jet ski,rowboat,rowing scull, kayak
Bracelets - anchor links, shackles, swivels, propellers, braided rope and biker chains
Cable - gold cable strand bracelets, earrings and necklaces with mariners snap shackle clasp
Chains - white and yellow 14kt rope chains, wheat and baguette links, anklets, mariners links
Compass - direction finding jewelry, compass cufflinks, compass rose pendants, North Stars
Cufflinks - working compass, catboat, lighthouse, trout, airplane, fouled anchor, yachting knots, ships wheel
Hawaiian - jewelry from Hawaii orchids, hula dancer, outrigger canoe, flowers, butterflies
Life saver - we've all had one... life rings life preservers and life savers
Lighthouse -Nantucket basket,New England,Outer Banks,Keys,Pacific,Great Lakes,earrings
Mermaids - mystical sea creatures, King Neptune, The Little Mermaid, Splash and the beauty Valerie!
Nantucket baskets - lighthouse basket earrings, bracelets, pendants and the famed Irish fishing basket
Nautical rings - overhand knots, square knots, tricorn, turks head, braids and weaves of all the lines on your vessel
Pirates- skull and cross bones, pirate head, Blackbeard's pirate dagger knife, pierced ear hanging swords, treasure chest
Propellers - ship props, speed props, air boat and airplane props and propeller bracelet
Rowing & paddling - kayak, rowing scull & crew, paddle boat, rowboat
Sailing - sloops,cutters,ketch,yawl,clippers,fractional rigs,Hobie Cat,wind,wave surfer, rings
Shackles - or is it shackles! gold earrings and bracelets, featured two tone bracelet from the show!
Ship's Wheels - everyone's favorite for salty marine symbol in solid gold
Turks head - earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces done in the beautiful braid, puzzle rings and nautical braids on the way!
Watercraft - personal watercraft, jetski in 3D and a waverunner


Blue marlin - spectacular marlin rings, 18kt pendants with diamond eyes
Bracelets - crabs, sand dollars, diamond and gold shackles, dolphins, seahorses
Cats - for all those that have live aboard sea cats & kittens!
Chains - white and yellow 14kt rope chains, wheat and baguette links, anklets, mariners links
Crabs - fresh Chesapeake,blues,stone,soft shell,peelers,earrings, bracelets
Divers- dive pendants, spear gun divers, 3-D divers, vertical and horizontal divers
Dive gear- two tone gold tanks, fins, mask & snorkel, hard hats, ship wreck treasure coins, dive ring
Dolphins -laughing dolphins,smiling baby dolphins,puffed earrings, bracelet, tri color
Earrings - sea creatures of shells,sand dollars,starfish,turtles & dolphin
Fishing - sailfish, swordfish, marlin, tuna, Mahi Mahi, lion, angel, sailfish tie tack, bull nose
Fishing gear- fishing rod, fishing reel, solid gold fish hook!
Grand slam - fishing rings, triple tuna, triple marlin, triple fish of your choice!
Lobsters - Spiny Keys bugs or great clawed Maine Lobster! & earrings
Manatee - mother manatee,baby manatee or manatee family
Octopus - slithering Octopi ready to wrap around your neck! 
Pink conch - those delightful Key West conchs in earrings, charms, pendants and bracelets
Sand dollars - legendary sand dollars,sea biscuits,charms, earrings,bracelet
Seabirds - gulls,Gannett,great heron,resting or flying pelicans for the pelican man!
Seahorses - strange fascinating in their own way & adorable, male, female
Seals - a turning swimming seal and a grumpy walrus with tusks
Sharks - giant shark teeth,hammerheads,great whites,sand,tail roped shark, tigers & Jaws! 
Sharks Teeth - all sorts of 14kt gold teeth, dusky, great white, mako
Shells - nautilus,triton,scallop,spiral and sundials earrings, charms, bracelets, pink enamel conch shells
Starfish - everyone loves a starfish,young to old, earrings, charms & bracelets
Stingrays - manta rays,stingrays,skates and great horned rays
Turtles - nesting sea turtles,endangered hatchling sea turtles, earrings
Whales - flukes,turbo whale tails,flippers,humpbacks,Orcas 


Celtic crosses - all sizes, Keltic knots, filigree, two tone gold,
Celtic jewellery - Keltic knots, trinity knots, pendants, earrings, bracelets and rings
Claddagh jewellery - Claddagh pendants, two toned earrings, white gold pendants
Celtic knots & weave - chains, bracelets and neckchains
Claddagh rings - 14kt gold U.S. made and imported from Ireland, yellow and white gold
Claddagh silver rings - same designs for men, ladies and maidens with some special ones on the way
County Crest rings - 14kt gold crest rings from each of the Counties where you hale from!
Gaelic traditions - shamrocks, clover, harps and leprechauns
Irish baby jewelry - claddagh baby pin, baby claddagh rings
Irish books - imported from Ireland, history, wedding traditions, baby names, Missing Friends
Irish Celtic wedding rings - imported from the finest manufacturers in Ireland custom made
Mystical creatures - faeries, leprechauns, unicorns, Children of Lir
Notre Dame Fighting Irish! - official collegiate jewelry, gold earrings, pendants
Scottish jewellery - bagpipes, highlander in full kilt, braveheart
Tie clasps & bars - need a gift for him that doesn't wear jewelry! Map of Ireland, Celtic cross, Claddagh, trinity knot and tara
Wedding Cake Topper - brass plate for engraving, a Claddagh cake topper surrounded with eternal Keltic love knots
Celtic Highland Festival Highlights - October 29, 2000 in Richmond, Virginia, USA


Airplanes - 727, C130, DC8, piper, seaplane, Boeing, cargo, 3D high polished gold
Biker chain - motorcycle chain recreated for biker jewelry in 14kt gold, heavy bracelets, necklaces & earrings
Bracelets - for men in nautical themes
Bracelets - for ladies in marine themes
Cable jewelry - gold or gold and titanium! plain or with diamonds.
Cats - for all those that have live aboard sea cats & kittens!
Chains - white and yellow 14kt rope chains, wheat and baguette links, anklets, mariners links
Cufflinks - working compass, catboat, lighthouse, trout, airplane, fouled anchor, yachting knots, ships wheel
Horses - polo ponies, jocky equestrian themes, horse & rider, horse shoes and prancers
Colonial - Williamsburg Virginia, carriage, windmill, peanut, southern hospitality
Holiday Gifts - Anyone can give chocolate, go with gold!
Moissanite - Charles & Colvard authorized reseller, custom pieces and loose gems, as seen on CNN, 60 Minutes & Dateline
Pineapple - pineapple charms, pendants, earrings and bracelets in 14k
Religious - crosses, medals, guardian angels, St Michael for police and firefighters, Star of David
Sales profession - for real estate people, golf theme, Realtors, landscapers,
Customer Comments! - emails & letters from some of you!
Gold Facts - a little lesson on gold, content, alloys and weights, ring size conversions
Order info - ordering instructions. Most orders shipped in 24 hours
Order form - simple, print it out, mail it in or fax it! If you are in a hurry just call.

LINKS! Do you have you a website page related to one of the categories? We want to exchange links with you!


Your search is over for the perfect gift! And yes, each order is packaged in it's own gift box and we can even send it to that someone special for you!

Special and custom orders can be filled within 3-4 weeks (6-8 weeks from October 1 to January 15). Credit card, money orders and cash orders are shipped immediately, Personal checks take ten business days to clear. All products are solid 14kt plumb gold trademarked charms, pendants, bracelets & earrings. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Privacy policy: We respect your privacy as much as our own. We do not sell or give out names, addresses, email or any information about our customers to anyone. No credit card information is stored on any format or ISP backups. No cookies are used at all.

Return policy: We want you happy not satisfied! That way you will tell your friends who will also be seawearing. If you are unhappy with the product you receive for any reason (even if it was a gift and they were ungrateful and didn't like it!) just return if for a full refund (no not a credit) a refund for the purchase amount less shipping. No questions asked. After more than four years, we have not had a single complaint. Sure we have had returns and people that were expecting a thousand dollar piece for $50! U.S. Customs checks each piece we send overseas and the country receiving it tests each piece. Never has one tested less than 14kt or been refused into the country.

Mission statement: Have fun and spread the happiness. Most of these items are sure to bring a smile to your face and those that see you wearing them. Who can resist a smiling dolphin or the sweetness of a manatee? Or the excuse to tell a story of lighthouses or Celtic heritage. Make someone else smile too.

Images: As some of you know, taking a picture of a highly polished piece of gold is not easy. All pictures are taken under natural light, a cloudy day if possible, and are not touched up or enhanced. They are optimized for quick loading which destroys some detail. All are yellow 14kt gold unless otherwise stated such as the white or rose gold.




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