walrus & seal
doesn't love the grumpy old walrus or the antics of sea lions
and river & sea otters. The harbor seals and sun basking
seals are my favorites too! Unlike whales and sea lions that
rely on a layer of blubber to keep them warm, the sea otter is
protected by thick fur. As humans, we have 20,000 to 100,000
hairs on our heads. The sea otter has 600,000 per square inch! |
#20097 - 7.2gms - $360.00
This guy's got his eyes closed!
He's sunning on the cliffs and is big enough that no one will
bother him! 1 inch across and a little over 1 inch tall plus
loop and bail. |
- 4.4gms - $225.00
Young harbor seal sitting in
the sun! Textured finish with diamond cuts, 3/4" tall and
3/4" wide. Looks full round 3D but is only half round for
weight savings. |
#1624 - $225.00 - 4.5gms
Sammy the seal! Acrobats or
ballet under water! Seals, sea lions and otters are so much fun
to watch. This guy measures about 1 1/8" from the nose to
the tail. If you unstretched the body, it would be closer to
three inches of seal! |
#SEAL100 - 1.8gms - $90.00
Please welcome 'Whiskers' to
the family! At 5/8 inch tall he is awaiting tricks for treats! |
#OTTER544 - 5.2gms - $260.00
14kt sea otter on his back
holding a scallop shell! One inch across. |
#00853 - $215.00 - 4.3gms
A perfect seal sunning himself
on the rocks or getting ready to jump in! Reminds me a lot of
the harbor seal statue at Rockport Maine. About 5/8" tall
and 1/2" wide. 3D and pefect for a charm bracelet or neck
chain. |
- $160.00 - 3.2gms
Click on the walrus! Double
tusks, all the wrinkles that dignify a walrus! Cute and small
at 7/8" across. |