Gaelic wedding band or friendship
Gealltanas Siorai
- Eternal Promise
There are a choice of five Gaelic rings.
The first (GR1) is the Gaelic Soul mate/friend Claddagh
ring. The ring has three Claddaghs, between each Claddagh are
the Gaelic words 'mo
anam cara' which is 'my soul friend' or turn
the ring a quarter of a turn to read 'cara mo anam'
which is 'friend
of my soul'. Give it to someone
special and have it say what you want... (Muh Ann-am Car-a)
The second choice is the 'love loyalty friendship' ring, which in Gaelic is 'Gra Dilseacht Cairdeas'.
This ring is available in two versions, with the three Claddaghs
(GR2) or with the Claddagh broken into it's three symbols,
(GR3) the heart, crown and hands. Between each word will
be the symbol or Claddagh. (Graw Deal-shocked Car-dass)
The forth version (GR4) is the
'Love Forever' ring in Gaelic it says 'gra go deo'
and in between each word is the Celtic Saint Andrew knot. (Graw
Gu Dee-o)
The fifth version (GR5) is the
'Love of My Heart' band, in Gaelic it says 'Gra geal mo chroi'
and in between the words is a heart (not Claddagh) and a Nu Grange
These are the only five versions and
there is no other way to mix or match them up. The Gaelic wedding
band has a Florentine finish, raised polished letters and round
polished edges. They have been hand carved, to simulate the writing
in the book of Kells that the Celts and monks so painstakingly
designed. As you can see the Gaelic ring is substantial! It is
meant to look like a ring from the old country. Contrasting edge
trim may also be added. Allow 3-6 weeks. Made one at a time in
Ireland and privately imported. Ladies ring is 5mm and gents
7mm wide. Optional trim adds 2mm
The silver versions are available on
the silver page and are NOT
available with trim.
$895.00 to $1,895.00
GR1 - Mo Anam Cara
friend of my soul

optional trim

2014 platinum Mo Anam Cara with extra
wide trims. Approximately $4,500 depending on metals market.
This was a size 9.0 and weighed 20gms! We use actual photos of
the wedding rings and not computer generated images.

GR2 - Gra Dilseacht Cairdeas
love loyalty friendship with three Claddaghs



GR3 - Gra Dilseacht Cairdeas
love loyalty friendship with one heart,
crown and hands

GR4 - Gra Go Deo
love forever with three Saint Andrews's
Celtic knots

GR5 - Gra geal mo chroi
Love of my heart with a heart with heart
and nu grange spiral

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